WAB courses

More driving experience, more safety, more driving fun

WAB course at Drive Up - your safe route to a definitive driving license

Once you have passed your driving test, the WAB course is an important part of the process of obtaining your permanent driving license. In our one-day advanced training course, you will learn how to drive more safely, environmentally consciously and confidently. Drive Up offers you practical, modern and instructive training – so that you can drive safely and in a relaxed manner.

Objectives of the WAB course:

Gefahren frühzeitig erkennen

Learn to correctly assess and avoid risky traffic situations.

Effizientes und umweltbewusstes Fahren

Optimize your driving style for less fuel consumption and more sustainability.

Souveränes Verhalten in Notfällen

Try out how to react correctly in tricky driving situations.

Mehr Sicherheit und Fahrkomfort

Develop an even better driving experience and gain confidence behind the wheel.

Our next WAB courses

Your benefits - modern, instructive & practical

Why take the WAB course at Drive Up?

At Drive Up, you can expect a WAB course that is more than just compulsory: we focus on practical exercises, modern teaching methods and experienced instructors who will prepare you optimally for safe everyday driving. Our training courses are interactive, easy to understand and offer you valuable tips for a confident driving experience. You also benefit from our central location and fair prices.

Start your safe driving future now with Drive Up!

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